Applied Biostratigraphy

General information

CourseApplied Biostratigraphy
Credits 6
Professor Cesare Andrea PAPAZZONI

Brief content description

The main objective of this course is for students to achieve the theoretical basis for determining the age of the rocks by means of index fossils and fossil assemblages useful for biostratigraphy. A more specific objective is the knowledge of the stratigraphic distributions of the main taxa useful for dating. Of equal importance is the objective of developing, through practical activities, a working method useful to tackle the biostratigraphy and immediately apply the acquired knowledge. The taxonomic groups useful to achieve these objectives have been chosen mainly among the foraminifera, as the latter are widely used in biostratigraphy, especially in the field of hydrocarbon extraction industry. A further objective is the acquisition of basic knowledge on the main underground investigation techniques by means of biostratigraphy.

Degree programme

This course is part of

How to apply for a single subject course

Students can enrol in up to 3 subjects for each academic year, even if they are not enrolled in other study programmes in Italy or abroad.
Single subject enrolment