Living Expenses

The cost of living in Modena or Reggio Emilia is comparable to other towns in Northern Italy.

As a general guide we estimate that you will need to allow approximately €7,000-€8,000 a year to cover your living costs (that is the cost of your accommodation and utility bills, food, clothing, transport, study costs, entertainment and insurance, but not your tuition fees). However, the actual cost will depend on the lifestyle that you lead.

  • Average cost for a private room: €250/month
  • City bus ticket: €1.20 (1 trip = 75 minutes in Modena) €1.50 (1 trip = 60 minutes in Reggio Emilia)
  • Meal in a pizzeria: about €15.00
  • Breakfast at a local bar (cappuccino and croissant): about €2.40
  • Meal in a café (sandwich and drink): about €5.00
  • Cinema ticket: €7.50 (some discounts are offered on weekdays).